See if you can guess the names of Christmas songs I've parodied? :D
We wish you a healthy Christmas!
No headaches upon this Christmas!
A warm, understanding Christmas,
And a pain-free New Year!
Less Migraines we bring, for you and your friends,
Less Migraines for Christmas and a pain-free New Year!
There we went a-vomiting
Before we gained control!
There we went a wand’ring
Such foggy brain’d trolls!
Love and joy come to you!
May your health get better too!
May God bless you and send you
A year of better health,
May God send you a year of better health!
I’m dreaming of a white ice pack,
Just like the ones my mother knows,
Where the cold spots freeze you,
And warm spots fail you,
Like men, watching TV sports!
I’m dreaming of a cold ice pack,
With every pounding pain I feel,
May your days be dark, quiet dreams,
Close the door to soften touchdown screams.
The Cluster and the Migraine,
When they are both full-blown,
Of all the curses that man may know,
It’s the combo that’s the crown.
In the bleak mid-Migraine,
Dreadful aches and moans,
Right behind the eyeball,
Underneath a stone.
Rocks were piled up, rock on rock,
Rock on rock,
In the bleak mid-Migraine,
Not so long ago.
Toradol, toradol, toradol rocks!
Toradol eases, toradol stops!
No wracking aching
Dependency free!
I’ll take an IV, if you please!
Toradol, toradol, toradol rocks!
Toradol ‘round the clock!
Toradol is wonderful
An IV heaven sent!
Doesn’t Toradol rock! :D
Merry Christmas if that's your holiday. It's mine. Warm love and wishes for health and happiness!
Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission. Use the ShareThis link if you want to share this. Nothing in the above article is remunerated content. Remember that if my work gets published anywhere else without proper citation, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.
“Acceptable” B12 Levels: Too Low?
We’ve talked before about vitamin B12 as a possible migraine-fighter. You
may have had your vitamin B12 levels tested, and found in the normal range.
3 weeks ago