Monday, January 25, 2010

Vertigo into Vertigone in Two Easy Steps! XD

Very quickly--wanted to share this bit of success before I crash and burn entirely.

Late last evening, I got hit suddenly by three punches of vertigo within about 10 minute's time.  Today vertigo and nausea are washing over me wave after wave, tinnitus is absolutely shrieking like a banshee and my ears are poised to expel their contents like projectile vomiting.  Oh, and I've got pounding head pain as well.

I ate oatmeal with hempseed oil to see if that would settle my stomach.  Nothing happened.  I took both Robinul and Valium, the two prescriptions that my neurotologist gave me for Meniere's symptoms.  Two and half hours past and other than feeling drowsy as well, I had every symptom that I've had all day.

Between waves, I made 16 fl ozs of peppermint tea and put in two small spoonfuls of my homemade Honey Stuff which has a good dose of ginger in it into each teacup.  Ginger is perhaps the top-of-the-line non-Rx vertigo and nausea treatment out there.  I put Bach Flower Remedies Scleranthus, Wild Oat, and Gentian drops in the tea cup as well.

Not only does this peppermint/honey/citrus/ginger tea tastes utterly divine, but in this last half an hour the vertigo has slowed to a small constant rather than strong waves and the nausea has vanished completely.

Could it be that the meds simply took longer than 2 1/2 hours to work?  Possible but my stomach was actually empty enough when I took them that they should have hit my system within about 20 minutes or so.  They did not.

I can certainly feel them now nearly 3 hours later.  Hell, in another hour it'll be time for more and the last dose has only just begun.  I'm of the firm opinion that this tea rebuked the rising tide until the meds had a chance.

If you haven't got a jar of Honey Stuff in your fridge, consider making some up on a day when your over health and ability suns are shining.  It has proven itself valuable and, when stored in properly sanitized containers in the fridge, should last for at least a year.

I'm off for a crash landing.  Take care.  Hang in there. 

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission. Use the ShareThis link if you want to share this. Nothing in the above article is remunerated content. Remember that if my work gets published anywhere else without proper citation, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Peace, love, herbs, and Honey Stuff

Physical vulnerability along with opportunistic viruses means: Time for peace, love, and Honey Stuff!

Got way, way too aggravated at the Office of Personnel Management last week. I believe I might have made myself physically vulnerable in the process. In addition, our house has been filled with plumbers, the gas company, the phone company, technicians, and repairmen of all sorts and every one of them has been hacking and coughing.

I was concerned that I might have to take the day off tomorrow from my full-time job of getting well but I realized that in fact,  I'll be working overtime.  No rest for the weary!

Here's a recipe for a natural honey, ginger, and citrus virus remedy that's as delicious as it is effective. Glad I've got some in the fridge already!

Gonna jump on this like a chicken on a june bug and mother-love it right out of my system. Mullein leaf tea and hops syrup now, neti pot, Sambucol (elderberry and echinacea syrup), and yarrow before bed. And soup with raw garlic stirred in just before I eat it. I know, I know, but raw garlic is useful for viruses. Once it's cooked, some of the therapeutic benefits disappear. Since that's why I'll be using it, it'll only get as hot as the soup itself right before I eat it.

Gonna get nice and peaceful underneath some rocks as well. Rocks just make me comfy and content, and when they're hot from the sun...oh me...  Bloodstone, amethyst, clear calcite, clear quartz, and rose quartz are all marvelous help for viruses. Smokey quartz is really nice for the aches and pains right at first.

This should be gone by tomorrow.

I might get so peacefully, tonically herbal that I put on a headband and start flashing peace signs. XD

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission. Use the ShareThis link if you want to share this. Nothing in the above article is remunerated content. Remember that if my work gets published anywhere else without proper citation, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help the Red Cross - now

Short post, but critical.

The earthquake in Haiti has made the Red Cross run dry of supplies. Time to roll up our sleeves and take out...

Some blood.

The Red Cross designated me as a "newborn donor". I'm A- (neg) always welcome by the heart patients at our university teaching hospital. They have a heart surgery program known world wide.

Now that I know my primary problems are spinal and by extension energy related, I see no reason not to resume donating blood. Yeah, it triggers Migraine but now I've got a better handle on why and how to prepare myself to minimize it. I'll discuss all of this with the nurses at the Red Cross beforehand to be sure. The nurses have always told me they could see no reason for me not to donate, from their side.  Well, once my iron wasn't high enough but only once.

Every day, plenty of people need blood. My father was given 9 pints of whole blood in the months before he died of metastasized prostate cancer. The blood didn't cure him, but it eased much of his discomfort especially near the end.

If you can, donate blood soon. I hope to get busy replacing the 9 pints my father received now.

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission. Use the ShareThis link if you want to share this. Nothing in the above article is remunerated content. Remember that if my work gets published anywhere else without proper citation, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Help me, I think I'm falling...

"Help me, I think I'm falling..."
words and lyrics by Joni Mitchell

I was standing dead still, looking out the window to see if I could discern even the tiniest snowflake, and then crashed into the closet doors to my right.  Never even knew I was off balance until I hit the doors.  No memory of falling either.  I was looking--and then was crashing.  The point is that nothing triggered me to catch myself before I hit.  Natural off-balance reactions failed completely.  No surprise.  I test as having no vestibular function.

Woke up with my head numb and heavy-feeling on my right side, where it was hurting last night.  My ears are not hearing equally.  And I sliced my thumb last night and bled all over celery and cucumber lol.

These next few weeks might be quite rough.  The waning El Nino weather pattern is creating one huge system after another, one every couple or three days.  I'm trying a new Bach Flower Remedy combination specifically for dealing with weather changes (more on Bach and me soon).  Too bad I had not tried it before I fell!

I was quite pleased that I had a couple of good days last week.  I'm feeling better between Meniere's and Migraine attacks and that is an absolute improvement.  I'm down to all "decafs" now:  Decaf coffee, decaf tea, and I've got just one pound of real coffee in the freezer for Migraines that call for it.  My sensitivity has gone through the roof.  A cup of real coffee now would make me a babbling maniac.

I've got a couple of things on my job plate this year:  A new system by Dr. Peter D'Adamo that tailors diet and lifestyle recommendations by running a large number of pieces of data through a web-based calculator; continuing to concentrate on emotion hygiene now working with Bach Flower Remedies; resolved to memorize how to trace my energy meridians; and I'm going to cut my hair myself this year.  Really! 

This might turn out to be a year of introspection for me.  I'm good with that.  I need time to figure out more work-arounds such as the cutting-my-hair-myself thing.  No way on earth I can lay my purely busted cervical spine into the sink at the shampoo station, just don't seem to be able to find a stylist who understands the words, "I CAN'T HANDLE A COMPLICATED HAIRSTYLE."  I'll just do it all myself.  So there!  :p

I need more time to understand rocks and all the wonderful things they can do.  There hasn't been enough (or much of any really) research done on therapeutic external use of minerals so I'll continue to guinea-pig on myself.  I am having trouble adapting to how quickly my overall sensitivity is escalating and need time to figure out how to deal with that.  I'm having success with 100% pure essential oils, simple, plain and natural foods, and--yes, I'm admitting to this--I've had some success with feng shui.  But it all takes time, brain time, silent time, alone time, down time, for me at any rate.

I need more time by myself overall.  My mother is extremely resistant to cooperating.  I understand that she's grieving still.  But now she has a few friends her age, a marvelous volunteer job one day a month that she loves (perfect for a 76 year old), and I'm not going anywhere.  Time for some boundary-setting, I guess I'm saying.

I'll be posting fewer columns here as well.  Posting my stream-of-consciousness ponderings wouldn't be useful to me nor interesting to all y'all.

Hopefully, a quiet year ahead.  I most assuredly need it.  I'll bet we all do.  :)

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission. Use the ShareThis link if you want to share this. Nothing in the above article is remunerated content. Remember that if my work gets published anywhere else without proper citation, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.