Sunday, March 29, 2009

Magic Pill! Magic Pill!

Doesn't exist, I'm afraid. It is a genuine myth.

Some myths are in fact real. Magic wands do exist. Magic music is real. Magicians are real. I will forever be in love with the world's most fantastic magician, my walking god. Not to scandalize anyone but that's what they call him, his friends do. Someday...

But a Magic Pill for chronic illness is a myth.

I read an article on's Adrienne Dellwo's Fibromyalgia & CFS Blog about the mythical Magic Pill. doesn't participate in free linking to articles or I'd point you there.

It caught my eye because I'm again looking at the real possibility that I may never get well, healthy the way I was Before. I wrote here about discovering that my energy frequently flows in a homolateral pattern and backwards from the normal way it should be flowing. Energy flows and moves around just like blood circulates and air is respirated. If an energy body establishes an incorrect flow as a compromise to keep the rest of the bodies going then making a lasting correction is difficult, the way Donna Eden explains it.

I'm on a clear quartz diet for now. Clear quartz is what the Crystal Healer told me to start with and it always makes me feel better. He told me to keep clear quartz with me at all times. I'm drinking clear-quartz-charged water, wearing clear quartz, and only adding wearing labradorite because it really, really helps my thyroid.

After September 11th, the news media reported that everyone was going to have to learn to live in the New Normal. New security rules, new awareness levels, new ways to be.

I'm going through another phase of finding my private New Normal, I guess. It's discouraging. I had another combination Meniere's/Migraine attack yesterday along with the tornadoes and cold front. Still dealing with the depressive dip that I get with Migraine attacks.

Chin up! Clear quartz is really, really pretty and sparkly and inexpensive. The cluster at top of this page is quartz. Quartz clusters are beautiful in the sunshine.

Someday I'll be beautiful in the sunshine again.

On Twitter--Parin Stormlaughter

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission under any circumstances. Contact me to request permission to link. And remember that if my work gets published anywhere else, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gads! I'm Homolateral! or No Wonder This is Taking so Long

"If this has been going on for a while, your body isn't going to want to stay this way [in the corrected state]. The body wants to revert back to the pattern that's been sustaining it, even if it's not for its highest good."
Donna Eden, Energy Medicine the Essential Techniques dvd, on retraining brain energies

I'm...uhm...homolateral. It explains this energy mesa I'm dancing around on top of, and why I've been taking three steps forward and three steps back for several months. And I'll bet this is why I don't seem to have a "hand of preference" for crystal work. And why some other incorrect energy situations exist in my energy body.

My energies don't seem to be crossing from my right brain hemisphere to the left side of my body, and from my left brain hemisphere to the right side of my body. At least, the flow doesn't stay "fixed" even though I've fixed it over and over and over.

All sorts of nerve impulses travel from your brain on one side to your body on the other side. A stroke in the left side of your brain can cause paralysis on your right side, for example. I'll bet everyone remembers the picture of the nerve pathways of your optic nerves, an X as seen from overhead. Your body energies do the same sort of movement from one side of your body to the other, as I am learning.

If you routinely continue to push yourself once you've run out of steam, or if you become chronically stressed, your energy body sort of "burns" into itself a wrong compromise of running the flows up and down vertically instead of moving the flow in an X pattern or figure 8 pattern like it should normally.

That compromise, according to Donna Eden, is hard to overcome.

She says that if you don't feel like you're getting everything from the energy exercises that you feel like you should be, if the basic "cross-over" exercises seem to make you feel more tired, it could be that your energy body has deeply set itself into a vertical, homolateral flow pattern.

And I was afraid I was getting sicker.

Donna Eden's Energy Medicine Kit, where I began with her system, has a brief mention of this phenomenon and an exercise to overcome it. But it wasn't until now since I've started to dig into this energy medicine deal that I've found a further explanation of it that makes sense to my own poor, tired, ragged energy body. I'm reading her 10th Anniversary Edition of Energy Medicine, Balancing Your Body's Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality, (c) 2008 Penguin Group (USA) Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. I'm studying the dvd produced as a visual aid to accompany it Energy Medicine The Essential Techniques, (c) 2008 Innersource

Now, I understand. Nothing is an overnight solution, not for me. There does not appear to be any overnight solution to my energy body woes. Is there an overnight solution to any of my situations? Doesn't seem to be.

I am going to have to practice this "fix" daily, several times a day, and reinforce it with changes in how I move around, for a while. I'm bummed because I wonder if this damage is permanent?

Is my energy body just ridiculously fragile? Has it been heinously abused? Will I ever be right again? Was I ever right to begin with? XD

I'm glad that her energy medicine system can run concurrently with everything else I'm doing. I have no plans to talk to my docs about stopping any of my meds. I'm just trying to regain function right now. Having an hour here and an hour there where I can blast out columns for these blogs, sharing all this with all of you, isn't functioning. I'm progressing but so slowly that I'm getting discouraged.

I want a life again.

The other night I dreamt that I was attending some sort of social function with prominent women business leaders that I won't name. I looked mahvelous dahling, and was at the top of my game. Not like old times though. This dream was of better times to come. Emotionally I awoke exhilarated.

Wish fulfillment dreaming? Oh sure, probably. I miss the days when I could handle business social functions with aplomb.

But it showed me that I still want to, that the desire is still in me.

Figure 8s. Gotta make figure 8s. That's one of the ways energy moves through your body as a whole, through limbs, through organs, according to Donna Eden. Make figure 8s with your body and it reinforces the energy crossover flow fix.


On Twitter--Parin Stormlaughter

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission under any circumstances. Contact me to request permission to link. And remember that if my work gets published anywhere else, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Putting Our Heads Together Poetry Contest 2009! Deadline 4/17/09

Now this is down my alley:

Putting Our Heads Together Poetry Contest 2009!

Teri Robert, the USAs Number One Migraine and Headache Patient Advocate, has this information on her Heathcentral MyMigraineConnection site.

It's a poetry contest!

Click on the links at the bottom of Teri's page for more information.

Self expression is crucial to my being. Cannot WAIT to get started writing.

Actually, I've got one started already...something that happened Monday morning of this week...wrote about it in metaphorical poetry form. :)

Just a short note today since this month-long attack is still in progress. Complicating it is a geomagnetic storm in progress. Just got an automated phone call from about it. Solar flares, solar storms, geomagnetic storms--all consistent, non-stackable, stand-alone triggers for me.

Will post about that in a day or so when this subsides. Off to take more meds and crawl underneath rocks before the pain gets too bad again.

Write poetry! Feel better! :D

On Twitter--Parin Stormlaughter

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission under any circumstances. Contact me to request permission to link. And remember that if my work gets published anywhere else, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In Order to get Your Comment Published on SWC

This is the sort of post I hate to write: Short, scolding, and in the midst of a Migraine attack; however, it must be done.

In order to get your comment published on either of my blogs

  • Leave off all URLs. The odds of getting a comment published here that directs traffic to another site are slight. Not completely outside the realm of possibility, but almost. Know too that I check the blogs of commenters with whom I am not familiar whose usernames link to their blogs. It is nothing personal if I do not post a comment due to a blog. It could be someone's comment on the blog that caught my eye rather than the blog content.
  • Check spelling and grammar. Compose your comment on a blank word processing document ahead of time, for example, and then copy and paste. I write. I am painfully familiar with dramatic license and other techniques to heighten tension and emphasize points. If you are not familiar or so trained, don't try it and complain that I won't publish your comments.
  • Leave off unsupported science, "weasel wording", and testimonials about doctors, treatments, and protocols. Refer to this list's first bullet if you wish to support your science with a URL.
  • Please don't ask me to marry you, bear your children, attend your function, remind me that I'm the anti-christ, or anything of those natures through comments. I am unlikely to publish complaints that I've deleted a comment without responding either.

All comments on my blogs are moderated and will remain so.

I will continue to use Wikipedia at will. It is a starting point for research, not any sort of definitive answer.

I have been rubbing my forehead with the massage end of my rutilated quartz wand for all the day that my forehead hasn't had cellophane tape on it. Not only are the nerves in my head inflamed and painful to the touch but I've got a twitchy muscle that's uncomfortable. Fine with me if it looks weird to have a piece of scotch tape on my forehead. It makes the muscle quit twitching and feel more comfortable.

I'm drinking amethyst, moonstone, green aventurine, rose quartz, and aquamarine/heliodor/snow quartz-charged water. Folklore has it that this combo will improve my patience. I believe I need to drink more of it.

The hearing in my right Meniere's ear has just gone down by about 50%. The tinnitus I live with 24/7 has vanished too. Rotational vertigo is imminent.

Pounding pain has begun above my left eye.

Good night. Thanks for reading.

On Twitter--Parin Stormlaughter

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission under any circumstances. Contact me to request permission to link. And remember that if my work gets published anywhere else, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary or The Great RoundUp Overreaction

“Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?”
Nursery Rhyme

I sat outside for about half an hour at 6:00AM this morning in shorts and a spaghetti strap top. Today’s high should soar toward 80 degrees.

Mom’s lettuce, spinach, and radishes simply were not fazed by the 3 inches of snow that we got last Sunday. The wild garlic has come up. The trees are all budding and the cedar in the backyard is giving us all pollen fits. The whole backyard is greening up nicely.

All the birds are here. I listened to mourning doves, woodpeckers, the ever-present mockingbirds, and cardinals singing away. Yesterday I watched a squirrel dig up and eat iris and jonquill bulbs that have divided and divided and divided over the last 40 years. I haven’t been down to the little creek but I have no doubt that the crawdads are crawdaddin’ away.

Oh yeah, things are living back there just fine.

See, there was this deal about the yardman spraying the place with the horticulture chemical RoundUp…

After seeing large areas of the yard not curl up, turn brown, or die, I did more inquiring into this chemical spraying. I carefully grilled my poor Mom, who never had a chance.

She simply does not really know what the yardman sprayed in the yard. She saw him spraying a small area, but never actually asked him what chemical he was using. She told me to call him if I was just dead-set on finding out. No need to. Really, she might consider asking for a refund if part of the charge for the work included chemical spraying for unwanted plant killing because the yard is growing!

He did spray, and he used some chemical that I could taste and smell. It did trigger a Migraine attack that seems to have morphed into the annual March Migraine, and the stress of the whole thing set off a mild Meniere’s attack. But no chemical burns, no new illness, and no dead weeds.

I just don’t think it was RoundUp after all. And after we considered it, Mom doesn’t really think it was either. She assumed it was RoundUp, but there just isn’t any evidence that whatever was used actually did any damage to the weeds. Heck, it may have been fertilizer.

My mother, with her green thumb that goes all the way to her elbow, broke off several branches from her tomatoes back in November and stuck them in a pot of dirt. They’re blooming. She gets this botanical talent from her mother. There is a story of my grandmother sticking the dead stem from a rose blossom into the ground and a rose bush springing up from it.

If I were to let my highly overactive imagination run free, I could picture my Mom, by sheer force of will, overcoming the effects of lawn chemicals. Or, maybe the man did spray fertilizer.

All things considered, it seems to have been much ado about nothing from merry Contrary Mary here.

Just waiting now to hear the wood thrush. It winters-over somewhere other than around here but about this time last year, I heard it. I had hoped and dreamt that I would hear the sweet flute-like song again before I died. It had been many years since I had first heard it at Payne Lake State Park out camping with my folks.

Oh…the windows are open here…and I just heard it! I heard it! Just for a moment, but I heard the wood thrush!

Going to listen and dream now! :D

On Twitter--Parin Stormlaughter

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission under any circumstances. Contact me to request permission to link. And remember that if my work gets published anywhere else, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Urgent: Contact Your Congressional Reps about Migraine Treatment Funding!

Below is the text of an email from the Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy (AHDA, link left also) sent out today. If you have not already signed up for their email alerts, what are your waiting for?? (Link on left also.)

Teri Robert PhD, the USAs Number One Migraine Disease and Headache Patient Advocate along with Megan Oltman of Free My Brain From Migraine Pain, one of my Migraine blogging compatriots (all three links at left also), met with members of Congress last week to discuss the serious issue of Migraine treatments. None of the treatments currently available are harmless and there is no cure for Migraine, a genetic disease that has made Yours Truly disabled and retired that way--for now.

It is WAY PAST TIME for the National Institutes of Health to properly fund research into safe and effective Migraine Disease treatments. If you think Migraine is a non-issue since the advent of triptans then read this about Imitrex, the flagship triptan, and tell me if you still feel that way.

I've sent my email. Click on the link and send yours today. The AHDA website will automatically determine who your Representatives are based on your zipcode so you won't even have to try to look it up. You'll have a place to add your own information and message to your Representative and the AHDH has generously programmed thousands of characters, so you'll have room.

I'm battling a Migraine attack right now. I've staved off treating it with meds for two days but the time has come, the Walrus said. I hope what I've written makes sense and that all the links work but forgive if they don't and please let me know.

I borrowed a computer to make this urgent post. Now, I'm going to take meds, crawl underneath rocks, and pray. Yeah, with all my crystal and mineral specimens on me, I feel like a reptile. :3

From: Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy
Subject: We Need Your Help
Date: Mar 2, 2009 2:12 PM
One voice can make all the difference!
We Need Your Help
It's time to ask the House support fair funding for research on headache disorders

Take Action!
Ask your member of the House to sign the "Obey/Tiahrt letter."

Dear AHDA advocates -

The moment has arrived for you to contact your members of the US House of Representatives to take action for increasing National Institutes of Health (NIH) research on headache disorders.

Please go to the AHDA website as soon as possible to send strong but focused emails to your members of the House with just a few clicks. (

Publicly funded research is the key to fundamental discoveries that accelerate drug development and expand the field of headache medicine. However, the NIH has never provided adequate funding for research on headache disorders. Currently, NIH expenditures for headache research are less than $13M annually, comprising less than 0.05% of the NIH budget. Meanwhile, headache disorders cost more than $31B in the US annually, including 9% of lost labor productivity, and result in more lost years of healthy life every year than epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and ovarian cancer combined. As a consequence of insufficient research, only two innovative drugs have received FDA approval for migraine treatment in the past fifty years.

We are requesting that the US House and the Senate each include language that prioritizes research on headache disorders with the fiscal year 2010 appropriations bills for the NIH. At this particular time, we need our members of the House to sign a "Dear Colleague" letter that they received last week.

The AHDA website simplifies contacting your members of the House with the right message at the right time. You will also be able to add a brief personal statement to your members of the Houseif you wish.

The more emails that members of the House receive from constituents right now, the more likely they will act upon this issue. You CAN make a difference. Let Congress know you care now.

Also, right now please forward this email to everyone you know that also cares about someone suffering from migraine or other headache disorders.

Through collective advocacy we will improve the care for individuals with headache disorders. Thanks very much for your help.

Best regards to you all,

Robert Shapiro, MD, PhD; Burlington, Vermont
William Young, MD; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Brad Klein, MD, MBA; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Teri Robert, PhD; Washington, West Virginia

On Twitter--Parin Stormlaughter

Copyright 2008-2009 Parin Stormlaughter, Sparkling With Crystals, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I do not grant reprint permission under any circumstances. Contact me to request permission to link. And remember that if my work gets published anywhere else, I'll pray for you. And perhaps take legal action. Rest assured, prayer is far more effective.